22 Ways To Grow Your
Payroll Service's e-Mail Marketing Database
By Glenn Fallavollita, President - SellMorePayroll.com & Drip Marketing, Inc.
- Word Count: 508
- Read Time: 2.0 Minutes
To help you improve the size and quality of your payroll service's e-mail marketing database, here are a few tips to consider:
- Add a “Sign-Up For A FREE (Seminar, Newsletter, Whitepaper, etc.)” to your website’s home page.
- Add a “share this e-mail” social media button to every e-mail campaign.
- Add a low-risk offer coupon to an e-mail marketing/direct mail campaign website (where they need to provide an e-mail address to get the offer).
- Ask your prospects and referral partners for their e-mail addresses (yes, it’s that easy).
- Ask your LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook fans to subscribe.
- Co-host a webinar with another business (where you can promote your contact information).
- Contribute articles and newsletters to other sites (where you can promote your contact information).
- Create a free resource center on your website (that requires an e-mail address to log in).
- Create a special Facebook ad with a low-risk offer.
- Develop niche newsletters (where you can promote your contact information).
- Export your Outlook file of e-mail addresses.
- Add local, regional and national editors to your e-mail marketing campaigns, i.e., newsletters (where they can share/promote your contact information).
- Get more interviews (with anyone).
- Offer a free gift to anyone who signs up for a seminar, whitepaper, newsletter, etc.
- Host an online webinar (where you can promote your contact information).
- Advertise an online contest for a free product/service (e-mail address is required to sign up).
- Partner with another business (where you can promote your contact information to their database of customers/prospects).
- Have people sign up for your newsletter at a trade show or event.
- Post videos to your YouTube channel and tell people to sign-up for your newsletter service.
- Take a picture of every business card and then upload it to your e-mail hosting service.
- Use Google ad words to promote a product or service on your website (where they need to provide an e-mail address to get the offer).
- Go onto a prospect’s website and copy someone’s e-mail address (do NOT use info@, sales@, service@, etc., into your e-mail marketing databases – see below).
A Word Of Caution.
e-Mail hosting services, i.e., Constant Contact, will cancel your account if you add too many “role” addresses to your NON-client database. Here is a sample role e-mail addresses begin with:
- Donot@
- Help@
- Info@
- Mail@
- Manager@
- Office@
- President@
- Sales@
- Service@
- Spam@
- Support@
- Webmaster@
Two Points:
- Once you get someone’s e-mail address, you can maintain your one-on-one communication with them indefinitely.
- Make it a priority to grow your e-mail marketing database.
About The Author:
Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients.
Additionally, Glenn is the president of SellMorePayroll.com and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites.
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